Studio 3T is freezing

Hello guys.

I have been having problemas with my Studio 3T, when i am writing a query and change the window (for example the brower) and when i comeback to the Studio 3T app, i can’t continue editing my querie because the app is freezed, this happens mostly when i am in Google Meetings in the browser.

My OS is Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
My Studio 3T version is 2024.2.0

This only happens when a change the window, it never happened while i am in the studio 3t window.


Hi Adan, I see that you messaged our support inbox about this issue, so we will reply to your query there. We’ve not heard this from any other user, so this is rather unusual. We will have a reply to you today via the mail you sent us. Thanks for letting us know!

Hi, I can confirm it’s happening to me, as well. Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS on Wayland, Studio 3T 2024.3.0.
The app freezes when I switch windows (not every time, though, it happens every 10 minutes or so) and not able to recover afterwards without closing and reopening. What is weird after the last upgrade to Studio 3T 2024.3.0: now when I try to close the app in this frozen state, it does actually show the pop up suggesting I save the script file, but the main window doesn’t un-freeze.

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Hi Mikhail, are you running multiple monitors by chance?

Hi Andrew, I am running one monitor (in extension mode to my laptop, if it matters).
By the way, today I tried switching from Wayland to X11, and the app hasn’t frozen once yet. It’s a compromise in general, sure, but at least I can query MongoDB :slight_smile:

Hi Mikahil, okay, thanks for the information. We have seen some strange issues with Wayland and SWT (the graphical widget toolkit we use). We have logged an issue with SWT, but are not presently sure when it will be resolved. As you discovered, switching to X11 usually remedies the issue, but like you said, it’s a compromise.

There may another workaround and that would be to add GDK_BACKEND=X11 at the start of the command to run the app.

I hope that helps!


Hi @Adan_Misael_Salinas Adan_Misael_Salinas,

You need to ensure you are using the latest version of Studio 3T, as updates often include bug fixes.


I am experiencing the same issue,
My OS is Ubuntu 22.04
My Studio 3T version is Studio 3T 2024.4.1 (31 October 2024)

I also run multiple monitors

I am struggling with it :(((

But it worked fine when I switch from wayland to x11
Do not understand,
Thank u

It’s happening here, too, on Ubuntu 24.10. It only happens when running under Wayland and when using multiple monitors.

Same issue for me with Ubuntu 22.04 freezing everytime I change window or app on screen.
Very annoying. I deleted and reinstall multiple times, update to latest version.