How to set IntelliShell as default?

How can I tell Studio 3T to use IntelliShell as default when double click on a collection? I really don’t like it to hide raw query behind a form with the field “Query”, “Projection”, “Sort”, “Skip”, “Limit”.

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Hi there, you should be able to set this to default by going to Settings>Appearance>View when opening a collection and switch this to IntelliShell. Hope that helps!

Hello @Foo_Bar :slightly_smiling_face:

Use html; javascript; and query to establish a mail merge in a web application by doing the following steps

  • To obtain receiver information and dynamic data from your Sql the database, use html.
  • Use html to create a template for your letter; then Java and a jQuery to add dynamic content. Every letter needs to be generated with a special number and identification.
  • Make sure every letter fits perfectly on an A4 sheet by using CSS.
  • By including a print button that opens the print dialog; you may enable people to print straight from their computers.

I hope this will helpful for you :+1: :+1: