How to Optimize Queries in Studio 3T for Large Databases?

Hii Guys! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I am new to using Studio 3T and I am facing performance challenges with my large databases. Queries are taking an excessive amount of time to complete and I am eager to optimize my workflow.

I am interested in improving query performance through effective index utilization. How can I create and manage indexes efficiently for large collections? I also like to understand best tips for query filtering, especially when dealing with substantial datasets.

Optimizing the aggregation pipeline is another key area of interest. Are there common pitfalls to avoid, and how can I leverage the aggregation pipeline for better performance?

I am also keen to utilize the Explain Plan feature effectively. What should I look for in the output to identify query bottlenecks?

Finally, are there specific connection settings in Studio 3T that can enhance query performance for large databases?

I also check this: But I have not found any solution. Could anyone suggest me the best solution for this.

Thanks in advance! :innocent:

Respected community member :blush: